The Reggio-Inspired Learning Space: Inspiration even if you're on a limited budget!


If creating a beautiful, bright and organized space for learning is on your wish list, read on!

In schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the space that surrounds children is given a lot of consideration. It's not just about "decor" to make it look pretty, or "organization" of stuff. It's so much more.

The Italian word ambiente (amˈbyentē) is used in Reggio schools to describe the textures, the colours, the smells, the feel, the vibe you get when you enter a spaceAmbiente is so important, that the environment is considered the child's third teachein a Reggio Emilia-inspired world.

Why is so much attention given to the space that surrounds our children in the world of Reggio?

When we create an environment that respects children as learners and full of potentialthey in turn respect their environment and view themselves as capable, competent and full of potential. 

They understand that this is a place where they are honoured as artists and creators, and that learning is valued here.  

When we think of our child's learning environment, what are some ideas that come to mind? How might we see the space through our children's eyes?

A quick little inventory and self-assessment may help to make some considerations about your space, to ensure that it is inviting, organized and aesthetically pleasing. These questions were inspired by the wonderful Mariah Bruehl of Playful Learning.

One way we can level-up our learning environment is through child-designed art pieces. Whether their colourful self-portraits are hung gallery-style on walls, still-life paintings displayed on easels, or mobiles hang from your ceilings; when we display the original, unique work of our children, they begin to see themselves as artists.

Opt for child-made alphabet posters and number lines over commercial style posters. 


Mobiles are a wonderful way to bring colour, texture and beauty into your learning space as well. Driftwood sticks, some wire, beads, yarn and other embellishments are a great structure for your mobile. What are ways we can weave intentional learning through creating a mobile?

Here are some ideas to bring subject area skills through the making of a mobile:

  • Math: Colours, shapes size, patterns
  • Social studies: Family, Community, Countries of the world
  • Literacy: story retellings, poetry
  • Science: Represent the seasons; solar system, rainbows


If you enjoyed these ideas, there's so much more in store inside Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning. All-in-One Program for Kindergarten and First Grade! Doors open very soon! Are you on the waitlist?

Also, if you would like access to the Joysheets™ to support and extend the learning found inside rainbow mobile project, you can access them here.


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