Holiday and Home{school} Burnout: How to Fill Your Cup this Christmas

As the holidays approach, moms find themselves in the throes of busy-ness: shopping for gifts, gift wrapping, holiday meal planning, baking, orchestrating gatherings,  coordinating events…it’s exhausting even typing these to-do’s! 

Nevermind the stamina required for teaching kids at home!

Exhaustion can be defined one of two ways:

  1. a state of extreme physical or mental fatigue.
  2. the action or state of using something up or of being used up completely.

Do either of these definitions resonate with you?

The phrase, You can’t pour from an empty cup is an adage we acknowledge, but often ignore. When you drain the liquid out of a cup, you empty it. There’s nothing left. How can we give to others when we have nothing left to give?

Holiday overwhelm is a real phenomenon, and when paired with an already demanding day of teaching our young ones, it can be a recipe for total burnout. The extra demands, expectations associated with preparing and...

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