Favorite #ATJL Curriculum Projects

Uncategorized May 30, 2022

Curious about what’s under the hood inside this best selling curriculum?

Today I’m sharing some of my community’s FAVORITE projects - unique projects you won’t find on Pinterest -  projects that are the perfect mix of art, play and academics

1. Family Talking Stick

A beautiful way to work as a family on peaceful and collaborative problem-solving, turn-taking, dialogue and story-telling which provides fodder for writing!

2. Plasticine paintings

An artful way to weave in storytelling, reading and writing! Using a story-sequencing graphic organizer, children retell a story, and then take their "favorite part" to recreate it into a plasticine painting.

3. Epic Portraits

 These show-stopper, LARGER THAN LIFE, one-of-a-kind pieces are keepsake self-portraits you’ll want to hang in your living room! They are SO dramatic and fun, and I show you exactly how - step-by-step inside one of the BONUSES for this program!

These are beautifully integrated into our “All About Me” exploration where kids create their own handmade books and autobiographies.

4. Name Cookies 

A tasty way to explore the most important letters in your child’s world! These can be painted with EDIBLE paint, and are a brilliant way for your child to remember the letters and sounds of their name. For kids needing a bit more challenge, last names, friends’ names - family members names… the possibilities are endless!


5. Witches' Brew

Learn a new song, concoct a new recipe and brew a tasty creation, ! This is a memorable experience for ALL kids!

6. Life-Size Body Tracings 

Weave in math learning as we take this perennial activity - body tracings - and add a special spin as we estimate and measure our bodies, and other body parts. Comparing to animal bodies and body parts is a natural extension for older children needing a bit more of a challenge.

7. My Home: Shape of Home

Looking closely at shape - noticing and observing shapes in our world is a way that kids make sense of their world through mathematics. Exploring our homes closely - like architects and designers, looking for shapes and structures is a natural way to build in important math learning. This activity unfolds in different directions - moving from collage, to sculptural to drawings. A Fun way to explore shape and space - an important math subject inside our built-in math program.

8.  Stone Soup

One of the most memorable activities because it involves ALL senses! Kids write their very own Stone Soup recipe - inspired by the wonderful folk tale and perfect read-aloud.

Kids go hunting for the perfect stone, washing it and boiling it. Chopping and prepping all the vegetables. Simmering and cooking their very own batch of delicious soup - made from a stone!

9. Kandinsky-Inspired Tree Log Slices

A wonderful way to weave in science, nature AND art - these tree slices add color, texture and FUN to your home learning space!


10. Family Mobiles

Exploring our family values- what we believe in as a family - is an important concept to build a foundation for successful homeschooling. We give you the tools and fun project to do just that!

11. Gratitude Jars

Exploring gratitude and making it concrete for children is the name of the game in this lesson. We begin with a brainstorm and read-aloud about gratitude, followed with creating our own stained-glass gratitude jars including popsicle-stick gratitudes.

12. Math Glyphs

What is a math glyph? A visual representation of data - in picture form! This is a fun and artful way to explore number and data collection - the possibilities are endless for glyphs!

Now that you've experienced some of the FUN learning that takes place inside the curriculum, let's talk about what exactly do you get when you register for Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning. Curriculum and Implementation Program?

ATJL is the ONLY all-in-one curriculum and implementation program of its kind that NOT ONLY shows you exactly what to teach your child, but how to teach it in an INSPIRING, SKILLED way.

Here’s how we do it.


2. Gather

3. Go!

Once you’ve gone through the Curriculum and Companion Course, you will …

  • Have a comprehensive curriculum plan and framework to guide you through your child's Early Years {ages 4-7}, saving you time, money and energy
  • Confidently teach your child to read, write and do math - in a way that feels good to both you and your child
  • Create an amazing bond and memories with your child to last a lifetime
  • Become an inspiring, masterful home educator, weaving your child's interests into everyday learning - so that they fall in love with learning and achieve academic success

When you register for ATJL, you'll get a full colour, all-in-one beautifully laid out MONTHLY-themed curriculum taking you from September through June!


  • Full colour, beautifully laid out, flexible curriculum (used year after year)
  • All in one: everything you need (Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, Sensory, Baking/Cooking, Nature Study)
  • Secular
  • Joysheets™ - all companion printables
  • Implementation Program - a Companion Course leading you through 6 weeks to become the BEST, most inspiring Home Educator for your kids!
  • STEM, Entrepreneurship, Maker Activities, Money management, Art, Music, Drama, Dance....
  • Teacher Toolkit - assessments, checklists - everything you need to become an amazing educator for your kids
  • Blackline Masters - reproducible flashcards, games, sight words etc.
  • Songs, Poems and Rhymes - a handy print-out for kids to put in their poetry folder, with clickable links to a private library of ORIGINAL songs, poems and rhymes to develop your child’s phonemic awareness so they will become STRONG readers!
  • And so much more!

Register for the waitlist today!




Homeschooling your K-1 child this year?

Looking for a creative, all-in-one curriculum?

Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® will be opening for enrollment in 2024!

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Homeschooling this fall?

Looking for a creative, Early Years curriculum?

Join the Waitlist! Doors open again soon!