If your child is an Early Learner (1st grade or younger} and you plan to homeschool…
⇩ Keep reading! ⇩
Childhood is too short to sit at a desk with worksheets all day.
All-in-One Curriculum, you can give them more.
It's active. It’s hands-on. It’s art and play-based.

Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.®
The all-in-one program to simply and skillfully teach your Early Learner {grade 1 or under} through ART and PLAY.
✔ Open. Gather. Go.
✔ Get organized with a clear plan.
✔ Grow your teacher confidence.
✔ Teach with your child's natural interests
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"My kids can't wait to do school every day!"
- Elice, Homeschool Mom
What do ‘Artful Teaching’ and ‘Joyful Learning’ actually mean?
Artful Teaching is..
♥︎ Inspiring your young children to love learning.
♥︎ Teaching with calm confidence because you are attuned to your child’s unique needs, and prepared with the right tools
♥︎ Incorporating beauty, art, and learning into your everyday activities
♥︎ Calm, relaxed, natural: knowing where your child is academically and adjusting your teaching as needed
♥︎ Finally achieving "homeschool harmony" - knowing how to deal with learning meltdowns and toddlers who want to be in the middle of the action
♥︎ Feeling organized and feel “on top of it” with a plan to cultivate your child's curiosity, while also making sure the fundamentals are covered.
Joyful Learning is...
♥︎ Following our interests and curiosities in a playful way.
♥︎ Sparking joy and wonder in the everyday.
♥︎ Kids are engaged and can’t wait “to do school everyday. Beautiful, blissful days!
♥︎ Your child feeling safe because their curiosity is honored, respected and encouraged.
♥︎ Your child is excited to share their thoughts and “learnings” with you because they know they matter.
♥︎ A calm - yet fun - learning environment where your child thrives
♥︎ Your child is proud, confident and motivated to learn.
You want to give your child the experiences that will turn into a life-long love of learning.
So what’s stopping you?
A heavily hands-on yet still-fits-into-your-life plan to intentionally teach your child feels like something that you’ve yet to master.
I hear this from parents a lot.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?

Be your child’s favorite teacher - and become very, very good at it.
You need a plan to teach your kids.
The problem is traditional curriculum - workbooks and worksheets - don't inspire you or your kids.
But following your kid's lead feels too unstructured, and you worry you'll miss important academics.
We believe that children learn best through play, not by sitting at a desk for 5 hours a day. We understand what it feels like to worry that your kids will fall behind, or that you aren't enough, which is why we have helped hundreds of parents and teachers teach with competence, ease, and creativity, so their kids fall in love with learning.

You don’t want to just teach the way you were taught.
Let’s face it. We didn’t all have the very best examples when it came to teachers that made a positive impact on our lives. It was probably more about rote memorization than curiosity-driven mastery.
It’s time to elevate your teaching and give your child the enrichment that you wish you had when you were a young learner.
You can be the best teacher your child could have!

Your goal is homeschooling harmony.
You believe in child-led learning - but you worry that, in reality, it’ll be too chaotic for you. And your life is chaotic enough, thank you.
You can easily see this devolving into your schedule, your to-do list, and pretty much your whole life being totally dictated by the whims of mama-guilt and a curious child.
You’ve been looking for a game-changer and here it is…
Child-led curiosity blended with teacher-guided instruction. Genius!
You can homeschool with the best of both worlds.

You want to teach the long {and inspiring} game.
You want to foster your child’s curiosity. You want to feed them daily inspiration and serve it on a fun, playful, and aesthetically pleasing platter.
You don’t just want to teach the basics.
You want to teach your child to love learning.
You want to offer them experiences that will nurture their sense of wonder and allow it to take root and bloom - forever.
You want your child to have a sense of wonder that never leaves them.
Finding the right curriculum for your family isn’t easy.
Wherever you look, you find the same three things…
✍ A pencil and paper curriculum that only serves to recreate the butt-in-chair, nose-in-book, for a solid 6, 7, or 8-hours a day classroom experience.
🍪 Cookie cutter curriculum - sometimes based on religions or modalities that you don’t align with, that just aren’t personalized to your family’s beliefs, needs, or goals.
🧱 A giant wall of curriculum between you and your child, between your child and their own interests, between your child and the world around them - with no room for inspiration or play.
Art and play may be the first, but children have “a hundred languages” {or more!} and you don’t want to miss any of them.
There are many, many ways that children build knowledge and share their understanding of the world. Learning is an active process of taking in new information and experiences, and then integrating that new knowledge as they communicate their thoughts, feelings and ideas.
Dance, music, sketching, sculpture, singing, building, painting, beads and wire are just a few of the Hundred Languages children use to make knowledge their own.
Artful Teaching.
Joyful Learning.®
An all-in-one curriculum rooted in the Reggio Emilia approach and based on the latest educational research. It's an all-inclusive program with extensive parental support - a program the whole family can enjoy.
Simple + Fun
Our kid-approved, teacher-created curriculum gets kids active and engaged. The short but effective lessons offer the perfect mix of art, play and academics.

Academically Sound
A curriculum that covers everything. Research-based activities aligned with state and provincial standards keep kids engaged, and they don't even realize they're learning important academics!
Learn Together
Family style learning offers something for everyone - the toddler in tow, or the pre-teen who needs some extra hands-on stimulation.

Literature Rich
Each lesson begins with the BEST of children's picture books, read aloud to your child to build connection and foster a love of reading.
Hey, Mama!
If you’re a parent who believes in a gentle and playful approach to learning, but also need a plan to teach your Kindergartener or First Grader to read, write and do math...
You're in the RIGHT place.
Forget debating the public vs. private school experience.
Your child deserves a school that’s personalized for them
- and you’re just the parent for the job.
Your time and energy are precious resources and hands-on learning can seem like it’s a lot of work.
Maybe even more than you’re sure you can take on.
That is precisely why Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® does all of the heavy lifting for you, reducing your cognitive load and leaving you with time and energy. The time and energy to join in on the playful learning, the joyful art of teaching, and maybe even some beautiful expression yourself.

Artful Teaching.
Joyful Learning.®
Not your average homeschooling curriculum.

The ATLJ Curriculum, Implementation Program, and Ongoing Support offers a whole new take on comprehensive.

Beautifully laid out monthly themes that teach your child across all subjects through art and play.

A companion course designed to help you easily and skillfully teach your child at home.

Small group coaching and mentorship from a seasoned teacher, education consultant and mom of three.
The all-in-one Reggio-style program, created-by-a-professional teacher - and mother - is specifically designed for you so that you can make homeschooling your Early Learner {before grade 2} simple and fun - even if you’re just a little concerned that you might be biting off more than you can chew.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"The Educator's Dream."
- Cara, @HelloMoonPie
If you're overwhelmed with worry and doubt about how to homeschool your child, what tone you want to set, or whether you can give them what they need….
I actually created this program just for you. Designed especially to rid you of that overwhelm and doubt.
Your desire to feel confident and capable as a home educator is valid, especially as you start this journey.
Your decision to homeschool may be exciting and liberating but at the same time a bit overwhelming and daunting.
Taking on teaching your child because it can be a weighty proposition.
You value play as the work of the child.
We want to preserve the wonder of childhood.
And while it's true that young children don't need a program or curriculum, there's nothing wrong with you wanting one.
You want to raise smart, successful, creative, and well-rounded kids.
You want them to love learning.
That doesn’t just happen by accident.
You need a plan. Let me be your guide.

I'm Alana, your guide!
Helping parents and educators tap into their children's full potential - through an engaging, hands-on approach to learning - is my jam.
As a former school teacher, I knew children deserved more, but I was locked into a rigid and old-fashioned system, heavy on assessments, rigorous curriculum, and efficiency.
After years of teaching, studying, reading, and devouring the latest in educational research about how children learn best, earning my Masters of Education,
I developed my own homeschool enrichment program - with and for my own children - where I applied my years of research and practical experience and implemented a play-based curriculum.
WONDER, the ARTS, NATURE, and PLAY were the cornerstones of the program,
You too can become the inspiring, skilled teacher your children need and deserve with a plan and framework to teach with confidence, ease and. a splash of creativity.
Their Faces Say it All.
real families. real memories.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"...she makes it so easy and her approach is the perfect mix of academics and play.""
- Cara, Homeschool Mom
Here’s the breakdown…
We give you everything you need to know so that
you can help them learn everything they need to know
- all while having fun!
We make it as easy as 1…2…3!

All-in-One Curriculum
We’ve got you covered with our
Open → Gather → Go
A curriculum that makes the learning artful and the teaching joyful in only
1 hour a day!
Here's how we do it:
1. OPEN the curriculum.
2. GATHER your supplies.
3. GO TEACH and learn alongside your child with curated hands-on lessons - ⏱ one hour is all you need!
4. GET EQUIPPED with research-backed training inside our online course.
So you can stop worrying and wasting time fumbling along, and instead, skillfully teach your kids exactly what they need to know, in a way that feels gentle and natural, without stress or overwhelm.

Done-for-You Day Plans
Say goodbye to end-of-day freakouts forever. {At least about this.} Take all the guesswork out of planning your days and enjoy life on Easy St. & Intentional Instruction Blvd with everything mapped out for you - including suggested poems and songs, books, supplies and lessons.

Monthly Themes
The Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning® curriculum is laid out beautifully in monthly themes and integrated lessons that bring in learning across all subjects: Literacy, math, sciences, sensory, as well as STEM, cooking, entrepreneurship, and money management

At-a-Glance Supply Lists
We make it easy to put the “gather” in your new “Open, Gather, ‘N’ Go” curriculum. These supply lists are at your fingertips and {bonus!} are easy on the wallet too - with most of the supplies being found at The Dollar Tree.

Book Lists
Every one of your lessons is paired with a beautiful picture book recommendation designed to spark your child’s imagination and ignite their art & action-packed learning. This handy book list makes it easy to reserve at your local library, or purchase online

These aren’t your sister-in-law’s worksheets. These are worksheets made fun - and paired with each lesson! These specially- made, joy-filled, paper-based activities aren’t just delightful, they reinforce everything your delightful ones are learning.

Teacher Toolkit, Poems and Printables!
All the resources at your fingertips to make teaching easy and streamlined. Assessments and checklists at the ready so you can be sure you're on track. Printable poems, songs and fingerplays accompany lessons, and include your own private YouTube library to engage and delight your little ones, so they can get active and build their phonemic awareness!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"It's just the right amount of learning, play and art throughout.
Absolute Perfection!
- Kelly, Homeschool Mom of 4

Implementation Program
Our companion course gives you everything you need to know so that you can help them learn everything they need to know - all while having fun!
Module 1
Personalize Your Success
Where done-for-you meets personalization.
Planning and preparation are the first steps towards getting your family set up for success. Design your dream-fit homeschool day with a schedule and routines that work for your family.
► Daily anchors and rhythms to simplify learning in math, reading and writing
► Learn the easy method teach multiple kids {even toddlers!}
► Simple routines to foster independence in your kids so your days go smoothly
► Set up a system to balance chores, routines, housework
Module 2
Identify and Implement
Tap into your child’s strengths and your inner teacher.
It’s time to identify what your child is great at and learn to build on that - like a pro - so that you’re keeping your child engaged.
► Identify your child's learning style to so they'll be better engaged for longer periods
► The best teaching strategies for young children {that won't squash learning}
► How to keep reluctant learners motivated - even when they refuse
Module 3
Teach Your Child to Read and Write
The simple, playful system to teach literacy in the Early Years.
► Easy, research-backed method to quickly boost reading success
► Workbook and groan-free writing strategies
► Proven system to teach neat handwriting {without tears!}
Module 4
Budding Math Learners
The fear-free method for easy numeracy teaching.
Cue the math moans. Actually, don’t! Develop a love of math in your child in a moan-and-groan-free environment - for both of you.
► How to teach math in a hands-on way vs. endless worksheets
► The importance of the:
concrete → representational → abstract approach
► Games and daily rhythms to make math learning FUN!
Module 5
Assessment without Testing
Measure Once, Track Always
Measure your child’s progress and track their growth. How? Together, of course.
► A simple process to help ensure that your child is on track
► Easy assessment techniques to help you teach more effectively
► The Idea Book: A creative way to document and share learning
Module 6
Wonder Learning
Harness their curiosities and follow their lead.
Get the best of both worlds - child -led learning and intentional teaching.
► Go "off the grid:" learn how to follow your child's interests and to create intentional learning experiences
► Discover the InspirEd Method to design your own curriculum, tailored uniquely to your child

Ongoing Support
You even get ongoing support throughout the six-week InspirEd at Home Implementation Program with the creator of the Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® curriculum to ensure that you have absolutely everything you need to become your child’s favorite teacher. {It's like having an Education Consultant in your back pocket!}
Access to the teacher's lounge, aka, our private Facebook group.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"Thank you so much for all of the support and inspiration you provide!
I couldn’t be happier with the program.
This is everything I was looking for and so much more."
- Jessica, Homeschool Mom
These are the good, old days.
Do you really want to miss out on them?
The Choice is Yours…
You can pass on Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® and keep feeling…
☹ Overwhelmed. You continue to piece together Pinterest ideas, worksheets and books, shopping gathering up supplies.
☹ Anxious. Deep down you're worried they're not getting what they need, that you're missing important details.
☹ Frazzled. You're scrambling last minute for supplies, books and ideas; never sure which direction you're headed, or whether you're doing it right.
☹ Burnt Out. All this searching and piecing together has you wondering why you even signed up for this gig in the first place? You can't possibly keep this up for the next 12 years!
You can buy Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® now and start feeling…
☻ Relieved. You've finally got your dream curriculum. No more searching, googling or second-guessing. Breathe.
☻ Confident. You have the tools, the material, the know-how to give your child exactly what he needs. No worries about missing anything.
☻ On-Top-Of-It. It's all there, laid out for you. No more scrambling for ideas or last-minute supplies.
☻ Inspired. Up-level your homeschooling with creativity and fun.
The guidance you need to be the parent and teacher that your child needs.

Get ready for the best parent-teacher conferences ever.
Get the training and support you need to do your best at your new dream job - from Day 1.
Choose the pricing option that's best for you!

After just a few hours, you’ll be teaching with confidence, ease, and creativity - so you’re showing up as your best self everyday to help your child discover their best selves.
Even better? You'll save time and energy, never worrying what to teach, how, and when.
{AND, you'll build a love of learning so deep, that your child won't even recognize they're learning important academics!}
Is this a Christian curriculum?
Is this program aligned with state / provincial standards?
Why is there a course AND curriculum?
Will I get a physical copy?
Will this work for my neuro-divergent child? {ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia}

The Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® Guarantee
You’ll get immediate access to the entire curriculum, the companion course, and all of the bonuses so that you can integrate and implement as quickly - and easily - as you’d like.
Your satisfaction is important to us because we believe in Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.® and the wonder it can bring to your child, yourself, and your family.
If you've put in the time and feel that it's not the right fit for you or your children, simply share the work you've done with your children once you’ve completed 30 days of the curriculum, simply email us at [email protected].
Share your work and we'll - joyfully - refund your fees.
Here’s everything that you get once you purchase
Artful Teaching. Joyful Learning.®…
✅ The ATJL Curriculum
With all these BONUSES…
👉 Monthly Themes
👉 Done-for-You Daily Plans
👉 At-A-Glance Supply Lists
👉 Beautiful Book List
👉 Joysheets™
👉 Teacher Toolkit
👉 Blackline Masters
✅ Inspir{Ed} at Home Companion Course
Module #1 Personalize your Success
Module #2 Identify & Implement
Module #3 Teach your Child to Read & Write
Module #4 Budding Math Learners
Module #5 Assessment Without Testing
Module #6 Wonder Learning
✅ Ongoing Support and Private ATJL Facebook Group
👉 Group coaching and education consulting throughout the 6 week Implementation Program
👉 Bi-Weekly Office hours for six weeks
👉 Thriving community of like-minded homeschoolers
Total Value = {$997}

Real words from real parents {and teachers!} - just like you!